MAYFLASH F500 series V1.04 for Mac Version Updater

2025-01-13 10:30:51
Product :
MAYFLASH F500 series
Item No. :
Version No :
File Type :

Update your F500 series : F500/F500 V2/F500 Elite/F500 FLAT/F500 FLAT Elite to the latest firmware version on MacOS 

This is the Mac Version updater . If you are using Windows ,please download Windows version updates from Mayflash website  


1. Please turn on App Store & Known Developers for MacOS

System Settings –Privacy&Security -- App Store & Known Developers


2. CAN NOT downgrade the firmware version to an older version on MacOS . Downgrading is only supported on Windows .

3. Firmware updates on iPhone and iPad are not supported


F500: V1.30

  • Supports L3&R3 

    L3: Press and hold "Turbo" firstly and then press "Select"

    R3: Press and hold "Turbo" firstly and then press "Start"

  • Supports “Share” button on Xbox Series S/X system

    Tpad = Share

F500 V2: V1.16

  • Supports L3&R3 

    L3: Press and hold "Turbo" firstly and then press "Select"

    R3: Press and hold "Turbo" firstly and then press "Start"

  • Supports “Share” button on Xbox Series S/X system

    Tpad = Share

F500 Elite: V1.15

  • Supports L3&R3 

    L3: Press and hold "Turbo" firstly and then press "Select"

    R3: Press and hold "Turbo" firstly and then press "Start"

  • Supports “Share” button on Xbox Series S/X system

    Tpad = Share

F500 FLAT: V1.06

Macro setup(Compatible Buttons include ↑, ↓, ←, →, ↖, ↗, ↙, ↘, A, B, X, Y, LB, RB, LT, RT, L3, R3)

  1. Enable Macro Mode by pressing TURBO + MENU(OPTIONS) for 3 secs, Turbo LED blinking 2times/sec

    (Noted: Press and hold TURBO first and then press MENU(OPTIONS)

  2. To activate Macro by pressing Turbo+ VIEW(SHARE)

    (Noted:Press and hold Turbo first and then press VIEW(SHARE))

For example here to setup Left, Right, A as a macro:

  1.  Enable Macro Mode by pressing TURBO + MENU(OPTIONS) for 3 secs(Turbo LED blinking 2times/sec)

  2. Press Left, Right, A in turn

  3. Exit Macro Mode by pressing Turbo button(Turbo LED back to the original status)

  4. To activate Macro(Left, Right, A) by pressing and holding Turbo+ VIEW(SHARE)

    (Noted: Press and hold Turbo first and then press VIEW(SHARE))

  5. To set combos for other buttons, just repeat the above settings

    * The Macro setting stays in memory for the next time

Button Remapping for A&B, X&Y, L3&R3

  1. A=B, B=A; X=Y, Y=X by pressing and holding MENU(OPTIONS) + A simultaneously

  2. Back to A=A, B=B, X=X, Y=Y by pressing and holding MENU(OPTIONS) + B simultaneously

  3. L3=R3, R3=L3 by pressing and holding MENU(OPTIONS) + L3 simultaneously

  4. Back to L3=L3, R3=R3 by pressing and holding MENU(OPTIONS) +R3 simultaneously

Note: Please check the arcade stick version carefully before updating.


This manual describes how to update the firmware of MAYFLASH F500 Series.

NOTE : The update must be done on a MacOS; it cannot be done on a console individually .

NOTE : Make sure your Computer is connected to the internet.

NOTE : Disable antivirus before executing the program.

Quick Start

  1. Download the firmware from and install it on your Windows system.

  2. Double click on the firmware and leave the firmware window open on your screen.

  3. Press and hold “Start" and "select” button on the Arcade Stick F500 Series.

  4. Connect the Arcade Stick F500 Series directly to a USB interface on your PC, still holding “Start" and "select" button at entire time.

  5. As soon as the updater window indicates under “Device” that the Arcade stcik F500 Series has been recognized, you may release “Start" and "select" button.

  6. select “update”

  7. Do not disconnect the device until you are informed that the updated was completed successfully.

More Instructions

  1. Download the firmware from and install it on your Windows system

    MAYFLASH Limited

  2. Press and hold “Start" and "select" button on the Arcade Stick F500 Series. Plug the USB cable of F500 Series in o your MacOS.

    MAYFLASH Limited

  3. As soon as the updater window indicates under “Device” that the Arcade stcik F500 Series has been recognized, you may release “Start" and "select" button. select “update”.

    Noted:Do not disconnect or unplug the Joystick until the updated was completed successfully.

    MAYFLASH Limited

  4. Press "OK" to complete the update.

    MAYFLASH Limited